Tuesday, February 5, 2008

What are your dreams???

This was written my Rebecca St.James. The Dreams are mine, i took out hers and put my own.If you repost this, or print it,whatever,take out mine and put your. So enjoy and please take this and think through it!! its really cool!! Thanks Brittney-

This past year I’ve been involved in a study group that includes three other people all involved in music and ministry. We call ourselves “Soul Check Society” because our main purpose is to help each other go deeper in community with God and each other. Each month we read a book and write an essay on it or have a question that we respond to via e-mail, since we live in three different cities. We take turns deciding which book and question we will answer. It’s been a very enriching experience. One of our questions was this: “Do you have any unrealized dreams? If you could picture your life in its most fulfilled state, one in which you are absolutely alive to all the possibilities God has placed in your heart, what would that look like?”A friend of ours led devotions before one of our concerts. He said that as people grow up most of them forget to dream, or simply don’t take time for it. I think that many of us, myself included, have been scared to dream because dreaming potentially invites disappointment if those desires go unfulfilled. On the other hand, not being willing to dream keeps us out of touch with certain parts of our hearts, and therefore we live—but are not fully alive. I don’t want to live that way anymore. I want my heart to be fully alive and kicking—even if it does hurt at times.

Here are some of my unrealized dreams:
• To be married, have a family and be a strong support to my husband in his calling.
• Serve in a church that is alive in Christ and leading others to Christ
• Be a Pre-K teacher and be able to show children the love of Christ through teaching and just loving them for who they are.
• To come to a place of balance in life.
• To have such an intimate walk with God. Being completely satisfied in Him and Him alone. Seeking his face, and going to His throne before i go to anyone else!! I want to be a woman known for being stunning, that people see Christ in me,my life,my love,my actions,and when im gone i wanna be known as a women who radianted Christ!!!

God doesn’t want us to settle for mediocrity in our lives. He doesn’t want us to just grow old and let go of our dreams. What unrealized dreams do you have? If you could picture your life in its most fulfilled state, one in which you are absolutely alive to all the possibilities God has placed in your heart, what would that look like? I encourage you, my friends, to spend some time this week talking to God about that, then compose a list of dreams God has placed in your heart. We serve a God who loves fulfilling big dreams!